Faculty and Staff | Biomedical Sciences Program at PCOM
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Faculty and Staff 
Biomedical Sciences Program

Brian DeHavenBrian DeHaven, PhD
Chief Program Director, Biomedical Sciences
Email: briande@pcom.edu
Phone: 215-871-6732

Dr. DeHaven coordinates the MS in Biomedical Sciences program across all three campuses. As a scientist and educator, his areas of expertise include virology, immunology and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Qian Chen, PhD
Director, Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences
Associate Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology
Email: qianch@pcom.edu

Sharia Wolfe, MBA
Graduate Program Manager
Phone: 215-871-6440 | Fax: 215-871-6540

Bonnie Buxton, PhD
Director, Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
Email: bonnieb@pcom.edu
Phone: 678-225-7465

Program Assistant
Phone: 678-225-7460 | Fax: 678-225-7479

Edward Shaw, PhD
Director, Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Email: ed.shaw@pcom.edu

“When it was time for medical school, I had already found a community of fellow students, and, more importantly, faculty and staff that I knew I could lean on for the next four years.”

Kala Hurst, MS/Biomed '18, DO ‘22

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Kala Hurst, MS/Biomed '18, DO ‘22 portrait

“During my MS (Biomed) program, I fell in love with the PCOM communities, especially the academic faculty, which also teaches in the DO program. They were supportive and truly cared about my learning and ultimate success.”

Julia Burns, MS/BioMed ’20, DO ’24

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Julia Burns, MS/BioMed ’20, DO ’24 portrait


Christopher Adams, PhD portrait

Christopher Adams, PhD

Professor of Anatomy

Phone: 215-871-6534

Email: christopherad@pcom.edu

Olayinka Afolayan-Oloye, MD portrait

Olayinka Afolayan-Oloye, MD

Associate Professor of Pathophysiology

Phone: 215-871-6426

Email: olayinkaf@pcom.edu

Meejin Ahn, DO portrait

Meejin Ahn, DO

Assistant Professor of Pathology

Phone: 215-871-6544

Email: meejinah@pcom.edu

Brian Balin, PhD portrait

Brian Balin, PhD

Director of the Center for Chronic Disorders of Aging - Basic Science
Professor of Neuroscience and Neuropathology

Phone: 215-871-6862

Email: brianba@pcom.edu

Marcus Bell, PhD portrait

Marcus Bell, PhD

Professor of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology

Phone: 215-871-6834

Email: marcusbe@pcom.edu

Ruth Borghaei, PhD portrait

Ruth Borghaei, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Phone: 215-871-6454

Email: ruthb@pcom.edu

Arturo Bravo Nuevo, PhD portrait

Arturo Bravo Nuevo, PhD

Associate Professor of Neuroscience

Phone: 215-871-6345

Email: arturobr@pcom.edu

David Cavanaugh, BS portrait

David Cavanaugh, BS

Senior Instructor of Anatomy
Director Gross Anatomy Laboratory

Phone: 215-871-6530

Email: davidc@pcom.edu

Qian Chen, PhD portrait

Qian Chen, PhD

Director, Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences
Associate Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology

Phone: 215-871-6153

Email: qianch@pcom.edu

Kerin Claeson, PhD portrait

Kerin Claeson, PhD

Director of Policy Formation and Metrics Development
Professor of Anatomy

Phone: 215-871-6526

Email: kerincl@pcom.edu

Farzaneh Daghigh, PhD portrait

Farzaneh Daghigh, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry

Phone: 215-871-6449

Email: farzanehd@pcom.edu

Marina D’Angelo, PhD portrait

Marina D’Angelo, PhD

Professor of Anatomy

Phone: 215-871-6525

Email: marinada@pcom.edu

Mindy George-Weinstein, PhD portrait

Mindy George-Weinstein, PhD

PCOM Chief Research and Science Officer
Member, Board of Trustees - Faculty Representative

Phone: 215-871-6654

Email: mindygw@pcom.edu

Frederick Goldstein, PhD, FCP portrait

Frederick Goldstein, PhD, FCP

Professor of Clinical Pharmacology

Phone: 215-871-6859

Email: fredg@pcom.edu

Richard Gonzalez, PhD portrait

Richard Gonzalez, PhD

Associate Professor

Phone: 215-871-6938

Email: richardgo2@pcom.edu

Cathy Hatcher, PhD portrait

Cathy Hatcher, PhD

Chair, Department of Bio-Medical Sciences - PCOM
Professor of Physiology

Phone: 215-871-6527

Email: cathyha@pcom.edu

Michelle Kanther, PhD portrait

Michelle Kanther, PhD

Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Phone: 215-871-6864

Email: michellka@pcom.edu

Kelsey Kjosness, PhD portrait

Kelsey Kjosness, PhD

Assistant Professor of Anatomy

Phone: 215-871-6829

Jocelyn Lippman-Bell, PhD portrait

Jocelyn Lippman-Bell, PhD

Director of Biomedical Science Master's Program Research Concentration
Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Pharmacology

Phone: 215-871-6634

Email: jocelynli@pcom.edu

Christopher Scott Little, PhD portrait

Christopher Scott Little, PhD

Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Phone: 215-871-6882

Email: chrisl@pcom.edu

Allison Machnicki, PhD portrait

Allison Machnicki, PhD

Assistant Professor of Anatomy

Phone: 215-871-6164

Email: allisonma1@pcom.edu

Michael McGuinness, PhD portrait

Michael McGuinness, PhD

Professor of Anatomy

Phone: 215-871-6524

Email: michaelmcg@pcom.edu

Heather Montie, PhD portrait

Heather Montie, PhD

Professor of Neuroscience, Physiology & Pharmacology

Phone: 215-871-6361

Email: heathermon@pcom.edu

Minal Mulye, PhD portrait

Minal Mulye, PhD

Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Phone: 215-871-6868

Email: minalmu@pcom.edu

Philip Reno, PhD portrait

Philip Reno, PhD

Professor of Anatomy

Phone: 215-871-6749

Email: philipre@pcom.edu

Mei Xu, MD, PhD portrait

Mei Xu, MD, PhD

Professor of Anatomy and Neurobiology

Phone: 215-871-6520

Email: meixu@pcom.edu

Lindon Young, PhD portrait

Lindon Young, PhD

Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Phone: 215-871-6832

Email: lindonyo@pcom.edu

Dianzheng Zhang, PhD portrait

Dianzheng Zhang, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Phone: 215-871-6588

Email: dianzhengzh@pcom.edu

PCOM Georgia

Linda Adkison, MS, PhD portrait

Linda Adkison, MS, PhD

Vice Provost
Professor of Genetics

Phone: 470-387-7745

Email: lindaad@pcom.edu

Adwoa Aduonum, PhD, MSc portrait

Adwoa Aduonum, PhD, MSc

Professor of Physiology and Neuroscience
Director of IPE, DO Program

Phone: 678-225-7474

Email: adwoaad@pcom.edu

Mircea Anghelescu, MD portrait

Mircea Anghelescu, MD

Associate Professor of Pathophysiology

Phone: 678-225-7564

Email: mirceaan@pcom.edu

Kimberly Baker, PhD portrait

Kimberly Baker, PhD

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Genetics

Phone: 678-225-7561

Email: kimberlydea@pcom.edu

Bonnie Buxton, PhD portrait

Bonnie Buxton, PhD

Director, Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Phone: 678-225-7465

Email: bonnieb@pcom.edu

Valerie Cadet, PhD portrait

Valerie Cadet, PhD

Assistant Dean of Health Equity Integration
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Phone: 678-225-7574

Email: valeriecad@pcom.edu

Shafik Habal, MD portrait

Shafik Habal, MD

Assistant Dean for Curriculum Management and Reporting
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Phone: 678-225-7461

Email: shafikha@pcom.edu

Francis Jenney, PhD portrait

Francis Jenney, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry

Phone: 678-225-7562

Email: francisje@pcom.edu

Harold Komiskey, PhD portrait

Harold Komiskey, PhD

Professor of Neuroscience and Pharmacology

Phone: 678-225-7472

Email: harryko@pcom.edu

Huo Lu, PhD portrait

Huo Lu, PhD

Professor of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Phone: 678-225-7469

Email: huolu@pcom.edu

Robert McAfee, PhD portrait

Robert McAfee, PhD

Associate Professor of Anatomy

Phone: 678-225-7566

Email: robertmcaf@pcom.edu

Phillip Pearson, PhD portrait

Phillip Pearson, PhD

Professor of Anatomy

Phone: 678-225-7464

Email: phillippe@pcom.edu

default image icon

Dennis Peffley, JD, PhD

Professor of Pharmacology

Phone: 678-225-7575

Email: dennispe@pcom.edu

Diana Peterson, PhD portrait

Diana Peterson, PhD

Professor of Anatomy

Phone: 678-225-7463

Email: dianape1@pcom.edu

Lori Redmond, PhD portrait

Lori Redmond, PhD

Professor of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Phone: 678-225-7462

Email: loriha@pcom.edu

Michael Selby, PhD portrait

Michael Selby, PhD

Associate Professor of Anatomy

Phone: 678-225-7568

Email: michaelsel@pcom.edu

Xinyu (Eric) Wang, PhD portrait

Xinyu (Eric) Wang, PhD

Professor of Neuroscience, Physiology & Pharmacology

Phone: 678-225-7589

Email: xinyuwa@pcom.edu

Richard White, PhD, FAHA portrait

Richard White, PhD, FAHA

Chair, Department of Bio-Medical Sciences - PCOM Georgia
Professor of Pharmacology and Physiology

Phone: 678-225-7573

Email: richardwhit@pcom.edu

Shu Zhu, MD, PhD portrait

Shu Zhu, MD, PhD

Professor of Physiology

Phone: 678-225-7476

Email: shuzh@pcom.edu

PCOM South Georgia

Rasheed Agboola, MD portrait

Rasheed Agboola, MD

Professor of Pathology

Phone: 229-668-3183

Email: rasheedag@pcom.edu

Savita Arya, MD Pathology, DPB, MBBS portrait

Savita Arya, MD Pathology, DPB, MBBS


Phone: 229-668-3189

Email: savitaar@pcom.edu

Shiv Dhiman, MD portrait

Shiv Dhiman, MD


Phone: 229-668-3182

Email: shivdh@pcom.edu

Sebastian Egberts, MS portrait

Sebastian Egberts, MS

Instructor of Anatomy

Phone: 229-668-3180

Email: sebastianeg@pcom.edu

Stacie Fairley, PhD portrait

Stacie Fairley, PhD

Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Phone: 229-668-3187

Email: staciefa@pcom.edu

Emranul Huq, PhD portrait

Emranul Huq, PhD

Associate Professor

Phone: 229-668-3203

Email: mdemranhu@pcom.edu

Thomas Last, PhD portrait

Thomas Last, PhD

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Cellular Genetics

Phone: 229-668-3200

Email: thomasla1@pcom.edu

Nikita Mirajkar, PhD portrait

Nikita Mirajkar, PhD

Associate Dean of Curriculum
Professor of Pharmacology

Phone: 229-668-3191

Email: nikitami@pcom.edu

​Joshua Owolabi, PhD, MBA, MSc, MMedEd portrait

​Joshua Owolabi, PhD, MBA, MSc, MMedEd

Associate Professor

Phone: 229-668-3181

Email: joshuaow@pcom.edu

Edward Shaw, PhD portrait

Edward Shaw, PhD

Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Director, Biomedical Science Graduate Program

Phone: 229-668-3188

Email: ed.shaw@pcom.edu

Jennifer Shaw, PhD portrait

Jennifer Shaw, PhD

Chair, Department of Bio-Medical Sciences - PCOM South Georgia
Professor of Physiology

Phone: 229-668-3192

Email: jennifer.shaw@pcom.edu

Brandy Sreenilayam, PhD portrait

Brandy Sreenilayam, PhD

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Cellular Genetics

Phone: 229-668-3186

Email: brandysr@pcom.edu

Robert Walker, PhD portrait

Robert Walker, PhD

Director of Student Progression and Off Cycle Curriculum
Associate Professor of Physiology

Phone: 229-668-3177

Email: robertwa1@pcom.edu

Rekha Yesudas, PhD portrait

Rekha Yesudas, PhD

Associate Professor of Pharmacology

Phone: 229-668-3196

Email: rekhaye@pcom.edu