Medical Education Research | Research Focus Areas at PCOM
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Training Future Physicians

Medical education research at PCOM

Medical Education Research 

Today's medical schools employ evidence-based approaches to learning and curriculum development. Educators and researchers aim to enhance the delivery of medical training with accreditation standards.

What is Medical Education Research?

Medical education research is dedicated to studying the learning, teaching and assessment methods employed in training future physicians and healthcare providers. This field of research aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of medical education by investigating various aspects of the learning process. Researchers explore teaching methodologies, curriculum design, assessment techniques and the impact of educational interventions on learner outcomes. Investigators explore variables that promote effective learning, such as instructional strategies, educational technology, feedback mechanisms and the development of clinical skills. Medical education research plays an important role in shaping medical education policies, informing best practices, and ensuring that future healthcare professionals receive comprehensive and evidence-based training to provide optimal care to future patients.

Medical Education Research at PCOM

PCOM researchers aim to improve the knowledge, skills and professionalism of medical students by understanding and evaluating the medical education environment and practices. This includes the policies and practices of medical school preparation, admissions, curriculum development and content delivery in both undergraduate and graduate medical education programs.

Our Faculty Researchers

Our Staff Researchers

PCOM Georgia faculty member Shafik Habal, MD, hopes his research on interprofessional training, service-learning and more will help medical students become more prepared residents and physicians.

Read more

Dr. Habal: Enhancing the Delivery of Innovative Medical Education Curricula portrait

Research at PCOM

PCOM aims to develop innovative approaches to promoting health through basic, translational, clinical, behavioral, education and community research projects.