Bone and Joint Disease Research | Current Research at PCOM
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Keeping Bodies in Motion

Bone and joint development and diseases research at PCOM

Bone and Joint Disease, Development and Function 
Research at PCOM

Diseases and disorders affecting the bones and joints come in many forms. There are numerous bone and joint disorders such as osteoporosis, osteomalacia (softening of the bones), scoliosis (abnormal curvature of the spine), bone cancers and more.

Diseases of bone and cartilage are progressive and debilitating. Untreated bone and joint conditions can lead to arthritis, disabilities, breaks and fractures, chronic pain and much more. Treatments mainly focus on symptomatic relief. Eventually patients may require joint replacement.

About Bone and Joint Disease Research

Bone and joint disease research focuses on understanding and finding treatments for conditions that affect human bones and joints, such as arthritis, osteoporosis and fractures. Scientists and doctors study these conditions to learn more about their causes and progressions as well as how they can be prevented or treated. Bone and joint diseases can cause pain, stiffness, swelling and difficulty moving.

These ailments can make it challenging for individuals to perform everyday tasks and may greatly impact a person's quality of life. Researchers investigate various aspects of these diseases such as risk factors (genetics, age, lifestyle choices, previous injuries, etc.) and how bones and joints deteriorate or become damaged.

Treatment options for bone and joint diseases continue to improve thanks to research efforts. Scientists test new medications, therapies and surgical techniques to alleviate symptoms, repair damaged tissues and improve mobility. They aim to find interventions that not only relieve pain but also promote healing, reduce inflammation and restore the normal movement of bones and joints.

Research at PCOM

PCOM researchers study the development, morphology and function of the skeletal system and related disease processes, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, osteomyelitis and peri-prosthetic infection. Their work has identified novel targets for the development of drugs that may prevent or limit bone and joint degeneration.

Our Faculty Researchers

PCOM's Marina D'Angelo, PhD, explains her research into a novel approach to the treatment of osteoarthritis, a common bone and joint disease in dogs and humans.

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D'Angelo Investigates a Novel Approach to the Treatment of Osteoarthritis portrait

PCOM DO student Jillianne Santos' abstract of a patient's unique medical case involving bone breakdown to the back of the neck earned her honors as winner of the ACP's Delaware Abstract Competition.

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Med Student Jillianne Santos' Research Abstract Highlights Patient's Bone Breakdown Mystery portrait

PCOM South Georgia's Michael Abaskaron (DO '27) attended the Summer Research Externship Program at Ohio Health in Columbus and made a presentation on his investigation into demographic correlations in pelvic dysmorphism.

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PCOM Med Student Attends Orthopedics Summer Externship Program portrait

Research at PCOM

PCOM aims to develop innovative approaches to promoting health through basic, translational, clinical, behavioral, education and community research projects.