President's Council on Equity, Inclusion and Justice PCOM Office of the President
The President's Council on Equity, Inclusion and Justice was appointed by President Jay S. Feldstein, DO '81, in July 2020 to advance PCOM's commitment to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. The Council
will identify strategic priorities and initiatives that align with the new PCOM 2025 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan.
The Council is comprised of work groups which represent faculty, staff, and students
from PCOM (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), PCOM Georgia (Suwanee, Georgia) and PCOM South
Georgia (Moultrie, Georgia). The work groups are charged with the following:
Gather information and data.
Engage in thoughtful conversations to identify priorities and initiatives.
Develop recommendations to advance work group priorities.
Develop action steps and timeline.
Work group co-chairs will provide status updates at the monthly President's Council
Underrepresented Minorities in Healthcare Student Recruitment
Chair, Adrianne Jones, Chief Admissions Officer
Increase Admission of Black and other URiM Students.
Expand pipeline programs at the secondary and undergraduate educational levels through
affiliations with minority serving institutions and historically Black colleges and
universities (HBCUs).
Provide annual progress reports on strategies implemented for this goal.
Provide a space for affinity groups to speak with applicants (i.e. provide a space
for URiM applicants to speak specifically with URiM students on interview day).
Create a contemporary definition of URiM for the purpose of admissions that is based
on available, up-to-date regional and state demographic information.
Offer more minority-based scholarships (not in lieu of the financial needs-based scholarships).
Working to ensure recruitment efforts for underrepresented minorities is present across
all programs.
Joining a pilot initiative with AACOM to embed artificial intelligence in an attempt
to refine identification of candidates to interview who will matriculate.
Using the (HARP) Holistic Admissions Review Process to learn about applications that
may have been overlooked.
Establishing a pathway analyst position to create processes for events and agreements
as part of admissions efforts to establish additional affiliate agreements with historically
Black colleges and universities, Hispanic serving institutions or minority serving
Increasing awareness of implicit bias specific to admissions.
Collaborating with marketing to build opportunities for recruitment.
Ensuring admissions staff are trained on implicit bias and microaggression.
Reviewing admissions interview questions for feedback centered on any bias.
Offering more scholarships for underrepresented minorities.
Consulting with Institutional Research to develop a report of our current application
pool for FY 20-21 to benchmark the pool that reflects our efforts to recruit more
underrepresented minority candidates.
Underrepresented Minority Faculty Recruitment and Retention
Chair, Christina Mazzella, Chief Human Resource Officer
Commit to hiring and retaining more Black faculty across all graduate programs (lecturers,
course directors, admissions committee members, OMM, advisors) and guest lecturers,
in addition to providing competitive and fair compensation for these Black faculty
and guest lecturers.
Collect and document current demographic data across all programs.
Create minority outreach plan; research best practices.
Monitor all search committees to include diverse interviewees.
Document postings of faculty and administrative positions in diverse publications
for each search.
Create recruitment and retention plan; develop metrics to measure progress.
Work group activities to date include:
Continuing to focus on strategies to retain faculty.
Researching institutional progress to date regarding the progression of work around
underrepresented minority faculty recruitment.
Intensely and intentionally recruiting underrepresented minorities.
Examining ratio between student and employee underrepresented minorities.
Looking at retention numbers to examine the diversity of PCOM employees and promotion
Researching a stipend program to address equity among faculty.
Developing job descriptions to attract more underrepresented minorities.
Bias and Discrimination Reporting and Support Plan
Legal Affairs
Establish a bias report and support system that allows for members of the PCOM community
to anonymously report incidents of implicit bias, microaggressions and explicit racism
perpetrated by faculty and guest lecturers, staff or students without fear of retribution
or retaliation.
Develop a mechanism to follow up with the reporter to inform of the actions being
taken to resolve the incident.
Work group activities to date include:
Reviewing standard operating procedures for reporting and responding to incidents.
Communicating protocols regarding bias and discrimination reporting with College community.
Working on a communication strategy to share current progress with the PCOM community.
Identifying and working to address the need to create more transparency and integrity
with the PCOM community.
Culturally Responsive/Racial Justice Curriculum
Chair, Linda Adkison, Associate Provost
Integrate a cultural competency course into the medical education curriculum that
includes training and programmatic material mandated for all students and faculty.
Provide students with knowledge and understanding of social, cultural and economic
factors that affect the health of our patients in order to fulfill our ethical obligations
as physicians.
Race-based medicine and its evolution (Interprofessional Education - IPE).
The historical use of biological race as the perpetuation of health disparities in
Reconstruct clinical lectures, OMM course and PCS labs to include more information
about how various disease states present in diverse patients. Medical education in
all courses, including the labs of OMM and PCS, should use inclusive descriptors that
are representative of the diverse society in which we live and the patients we will
treat in the near future.
Dedicate Interprofessional Education (IPE) sessions to learning and conversing more
about racial discrepancies in the healthcare field.
Work group activities to date include:
Identifying program standards that embed cultural competence.
Identifying the need for diversity across faith and invited students from various
religious communities to provide insight.
Working to develop a curriculum map of what is currently being taught regarding diversity
in order to identify gaps and develop a roadmap to address needs.
Identifying need to offer faculty DEI education.
Working to develop a DEI statement for syllabi that invites students to offer suggestions
for course improvement.
Reviewing accreditation standards across all programs to assess how each is meeting
DEI standards.
Developing, distributing and analyzing surveys in order to provide recommendations
for faculty development.
Underrepresented Minorities in Healthcare Student Retention Plan
Organize URM-in medicine focus groups. Hold focus groups that not only bring together
minority students but bring minority students together with faculty and administration
that can promote ongoing dialog at least 1-2 times a term.
Investigate disparities in remediation/SPEC meetings; investigate why there is a trend
for Black students and other students of color to repeat specific courses.
Address student stress and emotional and psychological well-being.
Expand access to mental health resources.
Work group activities to date include:
Working to create opportunities for students to connect with mentors and allies.
Working to determine the number of students dismissed or given the ability to restart.
Reviewing data on student diversity enrollment and withdrawals in order to determine
root cause of withdrawals.
Planning to recruit an underrepresented minority counselor to respond to the high
demand of underrepresented minority students, in particular males of color.