Pharmacy Specialty Concentrations | PharmD Program at PCOM Georgia
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Specialized education and training

Customize your PharmD learning experience by pursuing a concentration.

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Doctor of Pharmacy Specialty Concentrations 
PCOM School of Pharmacy

Students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program have a unique opportunity to customize their pharmacy learning experience by pursuing concentrations in different pharmacy practice areas.


Concentrations allow PharmD students to tailor their elective experiences to their own unique interests by developing a specialized range of expertise and skills. These concentrations require a minimum of six credit hours of didactic coursework throughout the third professional year. 

Upon graduation, students successfully completing a concentration in the Doctor of Pharmacy program will be recognized and presented with a certificate of completion.

Doctor of Pharmacy Specialty Concentrations

Learn about the specialized training available to PharmD students at PCOM Georgia.

Acute Care

Ambulatory Care

Managed Care

Medical Cannabis

Nuclear Pharmacy